Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Trasportation By Car: A Problem We Just Can't aFord

A third of the air pollution we emit comes form transportation. This pollution causes many negative effects on the environment and human health. The main pollutants from transportation that cause smog are carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, and sulfur dioxide. These pollutants react with ammonia, water, and other compounds to produce the noxious vapors, ground level ozone, and small particles that comprise smog.

A simple way to prevent this air pollution is to use public transport. It is estimated that effective public transportation could cut emissions from transportation by over half by 2050, save $100 trillion, and prevent 1.4 million premature deaths. This article from the BBC describes these findings from a study at the University of California, Davis. The means to reach these goals involves what the authors of the study call, "a high shift scenario," in which a far greater proportion of urban passengers travel using a clean method of public transit, walk, or bike. However, without investments into clean methods of transportation, the report predicts that emissions from transportation will double by 2050.

I believe that public transportation is definitely a key to keep our cities clean. There are also, however, many other reasons why public transportation is a good idea. It decreases traffic and therefore decreases stress on people while driving. The alternatives of walking and biking are also keep us active and are good for our health.

So, do you think that we should increase investments into clean transportation?


  1. Hey Martin, great blog post!
    I think we SHOULD increase investments into clean transportation because it is better to invest in something that will benefit us in the long run. Many people want to invest in companies/industries that will get them a quick return on their money fast (with the added profit) but we need to consider that the environment is priceless, humans could never repay our earth with money or with trying to reverse the damage once we have reached the final point of global warming. We could save a lot of lives and money in the long run when we invest in something great like this!

  2. As someone who uses a car to get to school everyday it is difficult to agree with you, but it is impossible to disagree. I am fully aware of the harm I am doing as soon as I turn the car on, and the harm I continue to do as I drive on. So on that note, public transportation is really the smartest way to turn to. It's somewhat fast and it is less of an impact on pollution. Going that extra mile and switching to clean transportation would completely negate your effect on pollution. So yes, working towards increasing clean transportation is the way to go, and should be the focus in today's world.

  3. Personally, I enjoy taking the bus or walking instead of driving and this may be just because I haven't gotten my G2 yet, but I think even if I did have it I would choose an alternative. Although, most of us don't really sit down and think of the negative impacts behind driving, we should, because it is currently seriously damaging our environment and health. By investing into clean transportation, we are encouraging people to switch from driving to busing and that would definitely help reduce the amount of pollution in our air. I also think that the government should be directly addressing this issue and lowering the bus prices rather than increasing it.

  4. Yes! I definitely think that investments into clean transportation be increased. As someone who takes the public transit at least twice a week, I think that making the system as good as possible could only benefit people and make more people want to use it. Sure, taking the bus, walking, or biking may not be the most convenient way to get around, but in the long run I think that it is worth it for the environment. However, not everyone is as passionate about the environment as I am, so another benefit to clean transportation is cost! It's so much cheaper to buy a bus pass or presto card, than to buy a car and pay for gas weekly.
    Very interesting article! :)
